
Hi! My name is Flavio. I am a statistician, currently working in the Machine Learning Research group at Bayer Pharmaceuticals. I develop new deep learning methods to enhance morphological profiling in the context of high-content imaging. Previously, I did an internship in machine learning with the same group, where I worked on analyzing knowledge graphs with GNNs to identify new trends. I also was working student at fu:stat – the statistical consulting unit of the Free University of Berlin. I loved the challenge of tackling very different cases each week.

I did my Master’s at the Humboldt University of Berlin. I am fascinated by the intersection between statistics, programming, and business. I focused on machine learning, causality and Bayesian statistics. I also have a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and another one in Comparative Literature and Computer Science from the Free University of Berlin. I enjoy being an active part of the tech community and attending Meetups and conferences. Currently, I am a co-organizer of the Berlin Bayesians Meetup.

Outside of academia, I have worked in business consulting – both as a freelancer and as an intern. I have lead and been part of projects in market research, process management, and organizational restructuring.

You can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Github, or you can send me an email to info AT flaviomorelli DOT com